Stosaic Workshop Inquiry

What is Stoicism?

Stoicism, an ancient philosophy known for teaching self-control and inner strength, provides practical principles that can be applied to modern team dynamics. Our workshops cover key Stoic principles and how they can be used to enhance team resilience, improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build trust within teams.

Our Stosaic Resilience Workshops

Learn how to apply Stoic Principles of Courage, Wisdom, Discipline, & Justice to everyday situations through our Stosaic Workshops.

What to Expect

  • The workshop will be delivered interactively, combining theoretical learning with practical activities.
  • It starts with an introduction to Stoicism and its relevance to team dynamics.
  • This is followed by interactive activities such as reflections on Stoic Principles and role-play scenarios to provide hands-on understanding of how Stoicism can be applied within teams.
  • Workshop culminates with our Build a Product Experience to immediately gauge and apply what you’ve learned. The group will create a Custom Sock or Shirt in real-time that best represents their topic.

For pricing, logistics, and more details, fill out the info below. Ask if you qualify for our Courtesy Workshop Offer.

Join Us At Stosaic &
Start Building Resilience

Contact Stosaic today to start a conversation about Resilience and how your organization can benefit from our Workshops. 

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